A growing trend in diet & Nutrition health, is discovering your specific food sensitivities, or IgG type delayed food allergies.
The normal food allergy (which can be discovered by skin scratch test) is an IgE (immediate) type allergy & inflammatory reaction. We know the immune system can also create delayed allergies, or “sensitivities” to foods by creating IgG antibodies to foods & allergens. There is a growing body of evidence to support the clinical benefits of eliminating IgG reactive foods from the diet. Dr. Collings, ND can offer this different type of allergy blood test if you are interested.
In an IgG reaction, the IgG antibodies bind to food antigens creating antibody-antigen complexes. If antibody complexes are present in large numbers and the reactive food is still being eaten, the body can’t remove them quickly enough. The food antigen-antibody complexes accumulate and can be deposited in body tissues. Once in tissues, these complexes can trigger inflammation, which may be responsible for a wide variety of symptoms.
Most patients with food sensitivities experience IBS, and these hidden triggers can explain most your digestive symptoms. For other patients, these antibody complexes can cause inflammation elsewhere in the body leading to symptoms like Joint Pain, Headaches, Fatigue & more. Inflammatory skin conditions like Eczema & Psoriasis can also be triggered by food sensitivities and these patients find tremendous benefit following a diet based on their blood results.
The test itself is very simple blood draw (via Lifelabs) and is preformed by a specialized lab called Rocky Mountain Analytical. Below is a photo of what the report looks like, and much more information can be found on their website:
There are 3 different versions of the testing offered; Basic food panel covering 120 foods (all the standard North American diet foods), a Vegetarian panel covering 160 foods, and an Enhanced panel covering over 220 different foods for the more exotic eaters. Test costs range from $270-$375, which Dr. Collings can provide the requisition forms for you in your appointment.
You can guess which one of a hundred different diets out there will help improve your health, lose weight, and reduce inflammation… Or, if you are ready to use a scientific lab approach to discovering the perfect diet for you; then come in to get this unique test for your unique immune & digestive system.
You can book an initial appointment (75 min) with Dr Collings, ND online at:
Or by Calling Queens Health Centre at 705-250-9544.
